MMCTP features

What makes MMCTP unique is the ability to transform DICOM data into MC input files ready for submission on one or many computer cluster with the click of a single button. MMCTP will track the progress of submitted jobs and download completed dose simulation files.

MMCTP is modular and separates classes into their rightful domain. Treatment planning classes store DICOM data, while MC classes store methods and variables for MC data and processing. Various MC classes have been coded within MMCTP to allow the user to fully visualize the MC data in its native form and make changes to the data. These classes have been coded to read MC data into MMCTP and write MC data back to its native format. A number of automated script have been written to transform treatment planning data into MC input data. These scripts can be user-dependant and are specific to the physical properties of the device being modelled and the MC module that characterizes the device. A number of scripts have already been coded for devices from: Varain, TomoTherapy, Elekta, and Siemens.

To obtain the full benefit of MMCTP, a user might be required to make changes to the automated scripts. In most situations, MMCTP can already read and write specific MC component modules, which greatly reduces the process of creating a new automated script for a specific device.

Here is a summered list of current features

Monte Carlo Dose Calculations

  1. Generation of input files and automatic submission for BEAMnrc, DOSXYZnrc, XVMC, and Cutout

  2. BEAMnrc integration:

  3. Read/modify/write header sources: 0, 1, 3, 19, 21


  5. Automated scripts based on beam properties: Varian (jaws dynamic or static, 120 leaf MLC dynamic or static), Siemens (jaws, MLC static), Tomotherapy (jaws, MLC), and Elektra (Jaws, MLC static)

  6. Other: DBS script to update cone radius, phasespace database, determine the number of histories based on a specific particle density

  7. DOSXYZnrc integration:

  8. Read/modify/write header sources: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11 (McGill Source), 21, 22

  9. Automated scripts: Determine the number of histories for a specific uncertainty, generate EGSPhant file

  10. Other: EGSPhant viewer,

  11. VMC integration:

  12. Read/modify/write: All VMC options

  13. Cutout Integration:

  14. Compatible with BEAMnrc phase-space files and DOSXYZnrc patient transport for electron MC

Import and export options include

  1. RTOG, CADPlan and DICOM import of images, structures, plans, and dose distributions.

  2. DICOM RT dose export, and ASCII text file export of DVH files.

Visualization options

  1. 2D axial, sagittal or coronal view isodose and colourwash transparency settings for images, contours and dose distributions

  2. 3D beam’s eye view and room’s eye view for images, contours, and beam geometry settings (e.g., jaws, MLC, couch, table and gantry rotation)

Treatment planning

  1. Add, delete edit external beam properties (e.g., treatment unit, energy, jaw settings and MLC leaves)

  2. Structure contouring and editing tools

  3. Dose Painter for QA

Dose analysis

  1. DVH calculator and dose distribution operations (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of dose distributions)