Welcome to MMCTP

Latest version : 9.1.6 July 2016


MMCTP overview

The McGill Monte Carlo Treatment Planning system (MMCTP) is a radiotherapy treatment planning system that is being developed at the McGill Medical Physics Unit (MPU) by various professors, clinical physicists, and graduate students (listed here). It is intended to be used as a full feature front head treatment planning system that uses various Monte Carlo calculation systems as dose calculation engines which run remotely on a multiprocessor computers.

For a complete summary of MMCTP refer to, A Alexander et al 2007 Phys. Med. Biol. 52 N297-N308

Project leaders

Andrew Alexander, Ph.D. (code developer)
Jan Seuntjens, Ph.D., (professor)
Francois DeBlois, Ph.D., MCCPM, (clinical physicist)