List of changes and bug fixes
- 9.1.5 Updates July 2016
- Changes to how DOSXYZnrc 3ddose files are read-in. Memory block read-in by chunks vs whole file. This allows MMCTP to load large >500 MB 3ddose files.
- Bug fix for loading large McGillRT patients, that push the limit of the system. Error msg will now stop, and warn user of this limit
- 9.1.5 Updates 2016
- DOSXYZnrc logic update to submit source 20 and 21 jobs to queue
- DOSXYZnrc EGSphant viewer bug fix
- DYN/SYN JAW step and shoot and dynamic file read-in for template loading
- MLC type, forced to be DYNAMIC/STATIC/Step and Shoot
- 9.0.6 Updates 2015
- BEAMnrc to read and write SYNC CM
- DOSXYZnrc source 21 read, write, and logic to create dynamic gantry positions for VMAT simulations
- Remote Shell configuration for local window machines. MMCTP can now copy files to the BEAMnrc folder and DOSXYZnrc folders on a local window install that is running MMCTP and EGSnrc.
- Bug fixes for error msg window popups from threads
- 9.0.5 Updates 2015
- Changes from Binary read/write as directed by XoJo Deprecations
- Fix for MLCE & MLCQ BEAMnrc CM to write interger for leaf types
- 9.0.4 Updates 2015
- Bug fix on method to split dynamic fields into static step and shoot fields. Renormalization of MLC subfields to values between 0.0-1.0
- Bug fix on method to read-in BEAMnrc CM DYNVMLC leaf positions for when groups are used to define leaf positions. MMCTP will now propagate the group leaf position to individual leaf positions
- 9.0.3 Updates 2015
- Bug fix for auto queue to determine queue name for various job lengths.
- Direct DICOM import option for a plan file
- 9.0 Updates 2014
- lots of changes made to compile MMCTP in XoJo
- Changes to how threads update window objects
- 8.9.8 Updates 2013
- Dynamic field (IMRT, VMAT) subfield segregation into static fields
- DICOM plan export option for conventional linac plans
- DICOM structure export option
- bug fix dose normailization value index error in inverse planning window
- 8.9.7 Updates 2013
- Window and Level presets for CT images
- DICOM plan export option for TomoTherapy plans
- 8.9.5 Updates 2013
- bug fix (from 8.9.4 update) in system admin window for export options, and dose stat options
- bug fix in dose BevelButton_DosePaint_on
- bug fix in dose paint, added new function to update the bounds on the edited dose distribution for each edit (this will add a delay to the program)
- bug fix in DVH window for out of bounds error with manual Y value text
- 8.9.4 Updates 2013
- Head first prone scans are now imported and displayed
- Major updates to commissioning window, window now slipt into sub windows
- Bug fix to DYNVMLC leaf offset function, sign error for leaf overtravel
- 8.9.2 Updates 2012
- EGSPhant name auto removes underscores in the user
typed name
- 8.9.1 Updates 2012
- Bug in contour assinment that placed all contours on
the last slice (due to changes in v8.8.9)
- Point of interest listbox to tabulate dose points
within treatment planning window
- Add dose options to assign the absolute value of each
dose point within a new dose distribution
- Dose distribution dose voxel value and x,y,z list for
dose values between a lower and upper limit
- 8.8.9 Updates 2012
- DICOM import of images now temperately stores the SOP
instance UID for contour assignment
- Bug update to JAWS CM, included a flag check for
Varian linac JAW update
- 8.8.8 Updates August 2012
- Dose Paint option to re-draw dose distribution
from mouse
- Dose option to fill contour to specific dose value
- DICOM dose export options
- DICOM dose tomotherapy export format
- Changes to McGill RT dose file format to allow for
more string text. dose matrix now starts at byte 300
- 2D dose export error fixed. Problem with index of points
- Update to default VMC input file Random number set now
- Update to contour window, the ability to view multiple
contours while editing one contour
- 8.8.7
Dose Paint option to re-draw dose distribution from mouse
- Dose option to fill contour to specific dose value
- DICOM dose export options
- DICOM dose tomotherapy export format
- Changes to McGill RT dose file format to allow for more
string text.
dose matrix now starts at byte 300
- 2D dose export error fixed. Problem with index of
- Update to default VMC input file Random number set now
- Update to contour window, the ability to view multiple
contours while
editing one contour
- 8.8.5
- Isodose line display change
- Dose edit and paint options for McGill RT dose
distributions * Shell
login debug for connection time outs
Future updates
- Check for plink and pscp when configurations window
closes for
Windows users
- Code to re-uplaod egsphant file
- code to stop auto update on the number of histories
- DICOM dose export for feet first scans